My Route, More or Less (Red line, but starting in NY)

My Route, More or Less (Red line, but starting in NY)

Make a Difference

I'm pedaling for many reasons, the most important of which is to raise awareness and funds for Pedals For Progress. P4P is a non-profit that collects used bicycles and sewing machines in the US and donates them to poor people overseas. P4P combines my love of bicycling with my growing concern for those deprived of life's most basic necessities - sparked by a visit to the slums of Kibera in June '09 (pictures). P4P improves mobility and economic options for destitute people, opening pathways to greater dignity and opportunity.

Please make a donation, if you can (please write "TSQ2USQ" in the '...honor of' field). Remember, a bit of fragrance always clings to the hand that gives roses. :)

My Game Plan

I'm following portions or all of three routes mapped out by the Adventure Cycling Association: the Atlantic, TransAm, & Western Express. I'll cycle through thirteen states: NY, NJ, PA, MD, VA, KY, IL, MO, KS, CO, UT, NV & CA! I'm leaving on 4/17/10, and expect to return to New Jersey by mid June - back to my family, friends, & neighbors. I plan on cycling 5 - 6 hours per day, 6 days/week, usually starting in the early AM. My laptop and phone will allow me to work remotely most days, but I won't pass up opportunities to smell the roses along the way!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 9

Today's Tracks:

I knew there would be good and bad days; this was not one of the better ones. No major problems, just relentless 20+ MPH winds out of the south west, pushing against me all day. Between the wind and 4,000 (my Garmin) - 4,800 (Dan's Garmin) feet of vertical gain, I earned every mile. The sidewalks of the two towns possessing little storefronts along their main streets, Wytheville and Pulaski, were nearly completely devoid of people. Had a snack in a pleasant park in downtown Pulaski. Ate lunch on the lawn beside the Food Lion parking lot in Wytheville, thinking 'shouldn't I be biking through Europe instead'? I understand Obama was in the region giving a eulogy for the twenty nine miners recently killed in the Massey Energy mine, rightly honoring their contribution to our nation. 

Please donate to Pedals for Progress:


Unknown said...

Europe indeed! Hopefully the good old USA will keep you occupied for the next 3200 miles or so, and besides, you cant get good grits or corn fritters in Europe :)

Interesting that the two garmin's yielded different elevation gains, given that they use the same technology - go figure...

Looking at the Garmin tracks, I noticed your max HR levels seem to be dropping as the days go on. I've noticed that myself when doing the 24 hour solo rides - that lap after lap, while I perceive the same level of effort, my Max and Avg HR levels steadily drop. I have always attributed that to nutrition, theorizing that the higher HR levels are when I am using up my fresh glycogen stores, and the lower HR levels are after I have exhausted those stores and are moving on to burning other less readily available fuels in the body (like fat, etc). So I guess you should eat more burgers and fritters!

BTW, my nephew Austin, whom I think you met at the hockey game, is at William and Lee!

Unknown said...

whoops, I meant Austin is at Washington and Lee :)

Rob K. said...

Steve. Good to see you are doing well...achilles injury and all. Enjoying your blog. Maybe when you get back to Hoboken there will be a new Ruby Tuesdays waiting for you! Be Well. Rob

Anonymous said...

Berea, Ky., seems to be headquarters for arts and crafts!!! And lots of places to stay, looks like. There is a university in town. Should be a good stopover. Send all craft and art purchases home to MOM.
Love, MOM

Anonymous said...

Here's what happens in Hazard, KY.: The Mother Goose building in Hazard is a monument that was completed in 1940. Hopefully, there's a gourmet Ruby Tuesday's for you there. Rainy day in Hoboken. I'm googling and wickipedia-ing.
Love, MOM

Unknown said...

Wow, Steve. I am looking at all the photos you are taking and all I can say is: "great composition!", especially on the barn with the curving driveway - loved it! The street one today really shows the llooonnnngggg road you were on.

Love ya - JA

Steve Fahmie said...

Thanks for ur comments!

Dan: I did meet Austin. Lexington seems like a nice little college town. I'm just glad my heart rate didn't slow to zero on these hills.

Rob: I heard it's raining as much in NY as here in KY. You're in luck; I won't need to call on you to water my garden. Ruby Tuesday's is the Per Se of Western VA. Applebee's is the Ruby Tuesday's of Eastern KY.

Mom: I'm booked for 2 nights in Berea! I'm riding there tomorrow, and will rest - and buy some arts & crafts - on Thurs!!! :)

Joyce: Thx! I'd love to be a photographer, if it paid.