Today's Tracks:
I knew there would be good and bad days; this was not one of the better ones. No major problems, just relentless 20+ MPH winds out of the south west, pushing against me all day. Between the wind and 4,000 (my Garmin) - 4,800 (Dan's Garmin) feet of vertical gain, I earned every mile. The sidewalks of the two towns possessing little storefronts along their main streets, Wytheville and Pulaski, were nearly completely devoid of people. Had a snack in a pleasant park in downtown Pulaski. Ate lunch on the lawn beside the Food Lion parking lot in Wytheville, thinking 'shouldn't I be biking through Europe instead'? I understand Obama was in the region giving a eulogy for the twenty nine miners recently killed in the Massey Energy mine, rightly honoring their contribution to our nation.
I knew there would be good and bad days; this was not one of the better ones. No major problems, just relentless 20+ MPH winds out of the south west, pushing against me all day. Between the wind and 4,000 (my Garmin) - 4,800 (Dan's Garmin) feet of vertical gain, I earned every mile. The sidewalks of the two towns possessing little storefronts along their main streets, Wytheville and Pulaski, were nearly completely devoid of people. Had a snack in a pleasant park in downtown Pulaski. Ate lunch on the lawn beside the Food Lion parking lot in Wytheville, thinking 'shouldn't I be biking through Europe instead'? I understand Obama was in the region giving a eulogy for the twenty nine miners recently killed in the Massey Energy mine, rightly honoring their contribution to our nation.

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Europe indeed! Hopefully the good old USA will keep you occupied for the next 3200 miles or so, and besides, you cant get good grits or corn fritters in Europe :)
Interesting that the two garmin's yielded different elevation gains, given that they use the same technology - go figure...
Looking at the Garmin tracks, I noticed your max HR levels seem to be dropping as the days go on. I've noticed that myself when doing the 24 hour solo rides - that lap after lap, while I perceive the same level of effort, my Max and Avg HR levels steadily drop. I have always attributed that to nutrition, theorizing that the higher HR levels are when I am using up my fresh glycogen stores, and the lower HR levels are after I have exhausted those stores and are moving on to burning other less readily available fuels in the body (like fat, etc). So I guess you should eat more burgers and fritters!
BTW, my nephew Austin, whom I think you met at the hockey game, is at William and Lee!
whoops, I meant Austin is at Washington and Lee :)
Steve. Good to see you are doing well...achilles injury and all. Enjoying your blog. Maybe when you get back to Hoboken there will be a new Ruby Tuesdays waiting for you! Be Well. Rob
Berea, Ky., seems to be headquarters for arts and crafts!!! And lots of places to stay, looks like. There is a university in town. Should be a good stopover. Send all craft and art purchases home to MOM.
Love, MOM
Here's what happens in Hazard, KY.: The Mother Goose building in Hazard is a monument that was completed in 1940. Hopefully, there's a gourmet Ruby Tuesday's for you there. Rainy day in Hoboken. I'm googling and wickipedia-ing.
Love, MOM
Wow, Steve. I am looking at all the photos you are taking and all I can say is: "great composition!", especially on the barn with the curving driveway - loved it! The street one today really shows the llooonnnngggg road you were on.
Love ya - JA
Thanks for ur comments!
Dan: I did meet Austin. Lexington seems like a nice little college town. I'm just glad my heart rate didn't slow to zero on these hills.
Rob: I heard it's raining as much in NY as here in KY. You're in luck; I won't need to call on you to water my garden. Ruby Tuesday's is the Per Se of Western VA. Applebee's is the Ruby Tuesday's of Eastern KY.
Mom: I'm booked for 2 nights in Berea! I'm riding there tomorrow, and will rest - and buy some arts & crafts - on Thurs!!! :)
Joyce: Thx! I'd love to be a photographer, if it paid.
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