More rest for the Achilles'. The only riding I did was from my hotel into town. My left Achilles is swollen but didn't hurt much while riding; my right Achilles is not swollen but hurts a bit. The physical therapist I saw today said I need to ice, compress, elevate and rest (i.e. don't bike or walk) my heel. I s/ only consider riding Monday if I see a significant reduction in swelling. Uggh. Too aggressive in my mileage over the past two weeks, it seems. I'm hoping I don't have to come home before returning to Berea to continue the journey. We'll see on Monday. The PT was *incredibly* helpful. She saw me right away, gave me her home and cell number in the unlikely event the swelling becomes significantly worse, and didn't even charge for an office visit. Kindness of strangers. The weather forecast calls for several inches of rain this weekend...good time to catch up on some work and take a break. :)
Oh, I enjoyed immensely a performance of The Berea College Bluegrass Ensemble this evening. What a treat to hear bluegrass music in the graceful setting of Presser Hall, surrounded by the mountains and immersed in the culture Appalachia.
Please donate to Pedals for Progress:
Wow, Steve.
Take care this weekend. I hope all is well come Monday morning and no rain or dogs in sight.
Love ya - JA
find a rubber ball and roll out your calf muscles and use it on the bottom of your feet. But not until the swelling goes down
sending anti inflamatory healing your way
easy sunday morning in nj...finally got a chance to check and read your blog. *AMAZING*! so it takes your will and determination to inspire me to work out...maybe even take up bike riding! LOL. ? are you actually biking *alone*??? WOW! enjoying reading about your journey. thanks for sharing. wishing you safe travels. Carme
I can't believe how far you've made it in just two weeks - amazing!
Re tendons: consider taping the affected areas. It makes riding awkward, but should help with pain. Load up on Motrin.
Good idea not to risk long-term damage - so what if you have to stop now and restart your trip later.
Hi Steve, Hope the day brings some good medical news. The Saunter was great! JD and I made 22 miles. The northern part up to Inwood Hill Park and around to the east was lovely and the upper manhattan east side of the greenway was beautiful. We missed you. Plus a little excitement in Times Square to end the evening ( lots of lights and backed up traffic but we didn't know it was a bomb square until the next day). Be well. xxLeslie
Denise: I've been wrapping my ankle area and the compression is very effective in reducing swelling. Going to see a sports Dr this morning.
Carme: Gald you had an easy Sunday AM! Hopefully I've inspired you to consider taking up biking! You'll love it. Here's wishing we closed Hutton and 1st St!
Branko: I was pretty psyched about the distance covered too. In hindsight I covered too much distance too quickly, which resulted in my Achilles problem. It will heal, though, hopefully quickly. Looking forward to more dispatches from the road...and to a beer w/ you in Hoboken soon!
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