My Route, More or Less (Red line, but starting in NY)

My Route, More or Less (Red line, but starting in NY)

Make a Difference

I'm pedaling for many reasons, the most important of which is to raise awareness and funds for Pedals For Progress. P4P is a non-profit that collects used bicycles and sewing machines in the US and donates them to poor people overseas. P4P combines my love of bicycling with my growing concern for those deprived of life's most basic necessities - sparked by a visit to the slums of Kibera in June '09 (pictures). P4P improves mobility and economic options for destitute people, opening pathways to greater dignity and opportunity.

Please make a donation, if you can (please write "TSQ2USQ" in the '...honor of' field). Remember, a bit of fragrance always clings to the hand that gives roses. :)

My Game Plan

I'm following portions or all of three routes mapped out by the Adventure Cycling Association: the Atlantic, TransAm, & Western Express. I'll cycle through thirteen states: NY, NJ, PA, MD, VA, KY, IL, MO, KS, CO, UT, NV & CA! I'm leaving on 4/17/10, and expect to return to New Jersey by mid June - back to my family, friends, & neighbors. I plan on cycling 5 - 6 hours per day, 6 days/week, usually starting in the early AM. My laptop and phone will allow me to work remotely most days, but I won't pass up opportunities to smell the roses along the way!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 15

Apologies for the gross picture of my swollen, farmer tanned foot. To prevent a chronic condition, I've concluded it would be wise to stop the activity that caused my tendonitis. Unfortunately, due to its poor blood supply, healing of the Achilles tendon is often slow, so it's likely I'll have to rest for at least several weeks. Here's some of what I've read online: "The tendon needs at least 6 weeks to form the scar tissue needed to fully repair the affected area. Scar tissue will continue to form in the affected area long after the six week period. The key to successful tendonitis treatment is patience. If you do not give the tendon enough time to recover tendonitis will return, it's as simple as that."

Well, on that note, I decided to spend one more night in Berea and head home Sunday morning. I'll return to Berea to continue my journey once doctors and I conclude my Achilles is back to full strength. Worthwhile endeavors are rarely reached without setbacks along the way...a metaphor for life. 

Oh, Berea's been great. I've received a remarkably warm embrace by the community. I'm looking forward to seeing my new friends and acquaintances again when my trip continues: Nick, who treated me with amazing kindness and generosity of spirit; Paul, the manager of Berea Coffee & Tea / epicenter of community activity; Jacob, who awoke early on Sunday to drive me to Hertz; Libby, whose conversation I enjoyed greatly and whose courage I respect immensely; Mike who drove me "home" from Saturday's awesome party; Joe, a talented poet, on his way to a stint at the Omega Institute; Sean, a farmer working to expand the distribution of his grass fed, locally processed cattle; the many very talented artisans of Berea including Warren May the master woodworker, and Jeff the master pottery maker; and Natalia & Chynna, intelligent, beautiful, vibrant young women - oh to be 15 years younger!

Please donate to Pedals for Progress: